The 7 Habits Journal артикул 9895c.
The 7 Habits Journal артикул 9895c.

Millions of readers have benefited from the powerful lessons in Stephen R Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Now, here is a powerful tool that can keep you focused on your journey and the mission you have envisoned for yourself Keeping a journal increases self-awareness, provides an opportunity to ask yourself meaningful questions, оехрй and helps you keep track of your progress toward your goals Throughout this journal are quotes from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People that will provide inspiration and help you make wise choices as you work toward your unique dreams Автор Стивен Р Кови Stephen R Covey Стивен Кови получил международное признание в качестве специалиста по вопросам руководства Он закончил школу бизнеса при Гарвардском университете и защитил докторскую диссертацию в Университете Бригема Инга, где занимался преподавательской.  От издателяИздательство: Fireside, 2002 г Твердый переплет, 176 стр ISBN 0743237064.