Conversations With Teen Entrepreneurs: Success Secrets of the Younger Generation артикул 9878c.
Conversations With Teen Entrepreneurs: Success Secrets of the Younger Generation артикул 9878c.

Conversations with Teen Entrepreneurs profiles three successful businesses created by teenagers These companies were created during the booming 90Âs, have weathered the Internet bubble burst and are still succeeding today The book is a fascinating read to see how teenagers are able to overcome the age barrier and succeed in a field normally оехок reserved for adults Each entrepreneur has his own unique story about balancing work and school, convincing customers and potential employees to trust them, and even, in the midst of it all, having a successful social life The book is a must read for anyone who wants to successfully start their own business Advice and tips on overcoming obstacles, developing marketing strategies, and learning to improve sales are just some of the tips and techniques readers will take away with them Every entrepreneur faces nearly insurmountable challenges However, these entrepreneurs faced twice as many challengesÂand they succeeded By learning the secrets to their success, you will be given the tools to help surpass any challenge And if not, youÂll be amazed by the stories these teens have to say Honest.  Ради любви…ISBN 0595294103.